Arright, so memory # 1...
When I was a kid, we lived in an apartment building for quite awhile. It was nice and I liked living there.
We had a balcony and on it, my Mum had made a bit of a garden and we had what was really important: a little paddling pool. I think I was about 3 or so, and I had been making near daily use of the little pool.
Then I guess I took a couple days reprieve, because when I came back to it all of a sudden there were tadpoles. At least, I thought they were tadpoles. I thought it was pretty magic of me to summon baby frogs up out of the depths of a plastic puddle.
I quickly brought it to my Mum's attention.

My Mum didn't seem as enthusiastic about this minor miracle. I guess in hindsight, your kid paddling excited amongst mosquito spawn isn't a thought
most parents would relish. So, grossed out, my Mum tried to figure out how the heck to get rid of the mosquito water. She chose the mature route and dumped it over the side of the balcony.

At which point she became aware that the people on the ground floor had chosen that moment to start moving a sofa out through their balcony. The ground floor peeps rushed upstairs and started pounding on our door and, again, my Mum chose the level headed adult route and she locked the door, chained it, turned off all the lights and we hid in my room, listening to the threats and expletives through our door.

Good times.