02 March 2012

Voter Fraud in Canada.

If you felt that the last election didn't and still fails to represent you as a Canadian then it might just be good intuition. 

Apparently there was some intervention in the last vote. As many as 45 ridings reported fraudulent calls directing people to false voting stations and despite this Elections Canada and the RCMP are only looking into one case. This is a petition that looks to change that and possibly lift the veil on this ploy.

You just have to add your name and your email address, these people won't spam you if you choose you don't want them to contact you on other world issues though I recommend you let them pass on the information they have to give. It's literally 45 seconds out of your day.

I don't normally push my own beliefs and agendas on Facebook or Twitter or whatever as I know people don't want it waved in their face and will usually skip over it anyway. But considering the choices our government has made in the last while and how it makes me feel as a Canadian abroad and how it makes other people of other countries look at me and my country I just feel ashamed.

And now I just feel let down. People joke that we are America's Hat or America Lite but I never want that to be the case. I don't have anything against Americans as a people, please understand that, but I do not want to be lumped in with the decisions and the policies their leaders have branded them with.

It feels like that's the way we are going and it's heightened for me because of the fact that I have been in the UK for 6 months. The Canadian identity I'm proud of is one of tolerance, acceptance, humanity and it is multi-cultural. It believes in the rights of its people and their choices. It supports green initiatives.

I know this was super long winded but please read and sign the petition and pass it along. We don't often make our voices heard as a country and it's that sort of complacency that allows this kind of immoral and deviant political tactic.




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