12 March 2013

DIY: Close Talkers

Sometimes when you're out and about in the world you might encounter this savage beast. They live on the inside air of personal bubbles. They will often state facts to your face about something you're doing, and they will probably moisten your face with their breath.

First they scent out a ripened personal space. Usually they can tell by your actions. Are you doing something anti-social? Reading? Earphones in? Both is best. Do you look like you're too polite to send them on their way? Even better. They have now identified their prey.

You'll know you've been spotted by the presence of uncomfortable, unblinking eye contact.

Sidle. Sidle sidle. It has breached your outer personal space. They will often try, at this point, to look pathetic to lower your defences. 

They are intensely intent on their goal. You might try an unfriendly posture or facial expression. Greater people than you have tried this and failed. It won't help to take out your phone at this point. They don't care if you're texting someone.

There is only one proven way to counteract the creature's attack. It will take courage and resolve.

Be crazier. Beat them to the punch.

10 March 2013

A Thing That Happened: Insufficient Leftovers.

Is this a thing that others find? I make food for my Other Half and myself, he snarfs through it in about half the time I'm done mine (Which I adore! He likes my cooking! A lot!) but then as he heads back to the kitchen for more I am silly and say, "You know, if you leave some for leftovers, tomorrow I can make blah blah blah..." and he says "okay!"

We're learning to match up my idea of leftovers and his idea of leftovers.

I head into the kitchen, look in the pot and I see:

And I'm left wondering what he thinks my wizardry might make out of a spoonful of rice and this:

He apparently thinks I'm much better at this than I do. And then I say what I think he meant for me to say all along. "Do...you want to just finish this off?"